Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Reflecting Back on 2014

This is one of my favorite posts because I make time to go back and look at photos from the year.  I reflect on our accomplishments and struggles as time puts them in new light.  I'm always amazed at the growth and change in the kids.  In the daily grind, the lists don't seem to get done.  Yet, somehow in the big picture, we keep putting one foot in front of the other and it all works out.  For this last post of the year, I've put together a little month by month of life here on Drywood Creek.  Enjoy....

January - blog posts
Cakes baked, reading, writing
Studying Colonial America...exciting!


February - blog posts 
Sewing skirts, painting scenes
Building helicopters and machines


March - blog posts
Big snow, books read
Handicrafts and bellies fed


April - blog posts
Boys with go karts, melting snow
Ruben's birthday, robins show

May - blog posts
Graduation, ball, and bear
Spring time is in the air

June - blog posts
Summer comes with sunshine days
Gardens, farming, babies, and play

July - blog posts
Farm kids, frosting, birthday cake for dad
Barefoot, LEGO trains, and RileyAnn with lambs

August - blog posts
Traveling west for wedding of a friend
Hatching caterpillar to the very end

September - blog posts
Fall came, back to school
Slimy worms, weather turned cool

October - blog posts
Molasses came, leaves fell
Harvest time, books to sell

November - blog posts
American girl, learning to knit
Books abundant, stacks tipped

December - blog posts

Cutting up venison, a load of wood
Christmas morning, God is good!

Thanks so much for logging on here at Drywood Creek.  Blessings to you in the New Year! ...Melissa

1 comment:

  1. Blessings to you and your family too! I love daydreaming over your pictures on the farm. :)
