Friday, February 1, 2013

Uncle Tom's Cabin - Day 4 & 5

Day 4 & 5 - Chapters 7-9

So now The Farmer's in too.  He walked in a couple of evenings ago when I was reading Chapter 7 aloud. He asked about what we were reading and we gave him the summary 101.  He's been listening since. As a matter of fact, it was his idea to read aloud last night. 

I must admit I did get bogged down in Chapter 8, particularly reading aloud with the broken dialect.  It took almost an hour to get through just that chapter alone.  And, those characters are so nasty, they repulse me.

What did you think about Senator Bird and his wife?  Here again we see these prominent white people torn between good and evil.  The Birds reminded me of the Shelbys.  You can read more about the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 that Senator Bird voted on here.  I must admit, I was very disappointed that he voted for the act, but it appeared as though he saw it as a duty to honor the state.  Slaves were very valuable property at that time.  The Underground Railroad aided and abetted slaves in their freedom.  This created huge losses for slave owners in Kentucky.  The Act helped the slave owners reclaim their "property".

I really want to see Eliza escape with her boy, but I just have a feeling this isn't going to happen. Let's press on and see...... 

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