If you've been following this series, you may have noticed that I've stuck to core subjects. We also do things like music, choir, composer study, art, picture study, poetry, copywork, narration, physical education, home economics, etc. These elective subjects are less structured and I don't typically use a specific curriculum for them unless noted.
Angel Grade 10
My Father's World - World History and Literature - This year Angel will be covering the entire New Testament, which is why this curriculum appealed to me. It's a continuation from 9th grade. It's written to the student, which allows for independent study. The curriculum covers Bible, History, and English. However, I felt the literature was weak in the English so we're supplementing with Beautiful Feet literature. From what I understand, MFW did this intentionally because the focus of the first 10 weeks is writing a research paper. Our history focus this year will be Ancient Rome and the Middle Ages.
Queen Language Lessons for the Secondary Child 2

Apologia Biology
Math-U-See Algebra
RileyAnn Grade 2
Riley and Ruben will also be studying the New Testament with the history focus being on Ancient Rome and the Middle Ages. Again, I like having all three kiddos in the same time period.
Lessons from History - 100 BC to AD 1300's - See former post (part 2) for further explanation
The Child's Story Bible by Catherine Vos - New Testament - I am reading this aloud to entire family after breakfast. All four kids narrate from this book.
History Pockets - Ancient Civilizations - RileyAnn will complete the last three pockets in the book, again to coincide with history time period.
The Story of the Middle Ages by H.A. Guerber/Christine Miller - This is a read aloud for Riley and Ruben. We have several other history read alouds scheduled for this time period as well.
Galloping the Globe - Riley and Ruben will spend two years studying various countries on all seven continents. We'll spend approx. 2 weeks on each country learning about the culture of the people, the animals living there, geographic features, and missionaries. This unit study is geared for K-4. It includes ideas for geography, Bible, history, science, literature, vocabulary, maps and flags, reproducibles, recipes, puzzles, games, and crafts. I'm incorporating some Five in a Row books into the literature. We'll end the study of each country by cooking a meal from that part of the world.
Math-U-See Beta
Outdoor Secrets - This is an early elementary science program from Simply Charlotte Mason. Riley and Ruben are completing this study together.

Pictures in Cursive by Queen Homeschool
All About Spelling Level 1
Language Lessons for the Very Young by Queen Homeschool
Rod & Staff Busy Times, More Busy Times, and Sonlight 2 readers - RileyAnn will be working her way through several books this year for reading.
Sonlight 2 literature as read alouds to Riley and Ruben
A Child's Garden of Verses by Robert Louis Stevenson - I will be reading aloud 2 poems per week to Riley and Ruben
Home Economics for Homeschoolers from Pearables Level 1 - This book is so cute for little girls! It's a once a week curriculum that's very easy to follow to help train our dd to some day be wives and mothers. The focus is on beginning cooking, baking, cleaning, sewing, organizing, and hospitality.
Ruben Grade 1
As mentioned, Ruben and Riley are doing many of the above subjects together. Ruben is exclusively working on the following:
Getty Dubay Italic book A
Explode the Code workbooks
Math Lessons for a Living Education - This is a new program by Angela O'dell. It's written in a Charlotte Mason style. You can find it through Queen Homeschool.
Well, there you have it. Five years of education in a nutshell. We pray that it's all for the glory of God. Please feel free to post comments or questions.
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