Monday, April 28, 2014

Colonial Williamsburg...

Oh how we hope to travel to see the historic sites of the U.S. along the eastern sea board some day!  Williamsburg will be on our list.  The photo shows the books we used to study Colonial Williamsburg.  The girls produced Felicity lapbooks as instructed here.  They really enjoyed this study! 

1 comment:

  1. We went to Colonial Williamsburg last summer. It was kind of a last minute decision. So our planning was not so good. I would suggest buying the 3-day pass, because it's the best deal. I think there are package deals with hotel included, and those deals are even better. Be's totally a "tourist trap." Not really Colonial Williamsburg itself, but the surrounding hotel and restaurant and gift shop galore area. The most reasonable, semi-healthy place to eat is Chipotle (we tire of fast food easily while on the road for a while). Plan to stay at least 3 days! There is some much to do and see, with CW, Jamestown and one of the other historic areas (in the "triangle" as they call it.). We really wished that we couldn't have stayed for longer! Have a super fun time!
