Friday, May 22, 2015

Friday Findings...Dyslexia & Math, You're Safe, I'm Here, & Building a Library....

I'm so sad that our desktop computer is on the fritz so I'm trying to make due with our laptop and I'm not liking it!  Yes, I'm old school and love my PC.  A broken desktop also leaves me no access to my photos :(

Anyway, I do have a few websites that intrigued me this week.   I was encouraged when I read Students with Dyslexia Solve Math Differently.  This is something I'm figuring out as I go, but to have research to back it, is huge!

The two articles that brought tears this week were....

4 Words to Help Calm an Anxious Child

I have used these words with my children, particularly when they were young and so vulnerable with their inability to reason, but it was the thought of our Heavenly Father using these words with me as an adult that brought tears.  At some point, we all need reassurance of our safety.

In a Mother's Library, Bound in Spirit and in Print
Over the years, I’ve gone back and forth over the merits of print versus digital books so many times, it’s as if I were in an abusive relationship with myself. But my mother’s passing and the sentimental value of her library have finally put an end to that debate in my head. It’s not that one is superior to the other. They each have their place in this modern world.
First off, my mom passed away 8 1/2 years ago and I still get weepy at the thought.  Secondly, this post is a beautiful testament to living books.  Some say I'm crazy for the arsenal of old books I've amassed, but to me it's the legacy I hope to leave our children.

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