Post with the most clicks: Books for Sale Part 1
Post with the most comments: I had a tie between Math Mania 2 and Starting Second Term 2013-2014
Post with the best picture: How does your garden grow? I'm currently longing for the lush green in these photos :))
Post that was hardest to write: Math Mania Part 3 I did a ton of research for this whole series. It was hard to wrap it all up and bring it together. At that point, I was more confused about math. Thankfully, since it has become more clear. I felt the stretch promoted personal growth in my homeschool practices.
Post that was your personal favorite (not your reader's favorite - your favorite): A Year's Worth of Baby
I love rereading posts like this because it reminds me of when I read them the first time and enjoyed them! I would love some green around here too about now...