Friday, May 27, 2016

Friday Findings: Schole Sisters, Habit Training, Ancient Egypt Study, Reading Readiness, New Audio Blog...

It's Friday again!...and tonight is our first Schole Sisters meeting.  As mentioned yesterday, we're reading Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy and will gather for discussion.  I'm really excited!

Habits are very important in a Charlotte Mason education.  But are you cultivating habits in isolation?  Nancy Kelly shows us The Habits Pendulum and some tips to keep in mind while habit training.

In Living Books for Studying Ancient Egypt, Carol gives some fine examples of books that can be used for a literature approach to high school history.  I have several of the books mentioned and I think she's spot on in her description.  We're heading back to Ancient Egypt this fall so her post particularly peaked my interest.

How Do I Know When My Child is Ready to Read?, gives some 'old fashioned' ideas for determining readiness in young children.  I'm not sure it's always this cut and dried, but a general guideline can be helpful.  Something about this post really made sense to me.

Last, but not least, Pam Barnhill kicked off The Homeschool Solutions Show this week. It's an audio blog, which means she's sharing blog posts auditorily.  The episodes will be short, but hopefully allow hands free for moms to listen to blog posts while maybe folding laundry or making dinner, rather than sitting with a device reading it themselves.  I think it sounds like a neat idea.  She'll be streaming a new show every Friday.

Bet you didn't know a kicker wagon could double as a hit-a-way stick holder.  This is how we roll here on the farm....


  1. Thanks for linking my post, melissa. 'Audio blogs' sounds interesting. I need to catch up on my podcasts - I usually listen while I'm ironing or exercising but not having done either for nearly 2 weeks they fell by the wayside.

  2. You're welcome Carol :)

    Oh...podcasts, it's so easy to fall behind. I love them, but feel I'm in a constant state of trying to catch up. There's so many good ones and so little time...
