Wednesday, October 14, 2015

TruthQuest History Update....

Recently, someone asked me if I'm still using TruthQuest History. The short answer is yes. The long answer contains the modifications I've made.

Since beginning TQ, I have mellowed considerably. We don't read as many books as we used to, but we are reading more quality books. This year, I'm using Beautiful Feet Modern American and World History as our spine and TQ as a supplement. BF helps me choose the best books. On the other hand, we don't cover as many subjects or people with BF. This is where I supplement with TQ. For example, when looking at the BF books we'll be reading this year, I see a possible gap containing immigration and pioneering in the late 1800's, early 1900's. Since this was a great settlement time here in WI and MN, I do plan to supplement with books and commentary from TQ American History for Young Students III. You can read more about the BF/TQ merger here.

Also since beginning TQ, I have split up our reading between "school time" and bedtime. This allows us more reading time and is working great. I typically read aloud to the kids anywhere from 4-6 nights per week. This year, we tend to read more literature at bedtime for our Socratic Book Club. However, history does spill over and often times, the two overlap. 

Another question a reader asked is whether I use TruthQuest History's Binder Builders or Timelines.  I do not.  Although, I have salivated over them.  I typically create my own notebook pages as we ride along.  This can get a little hairy at times and is more work on my part.  However, knowing my personality, I think I could get wrapped up in wanting to complete every page if I bought a package, which would be overkill.  I use Homeschool in the Woods' Time Traveler CD-Roms and History Pockets, along with misc. online resources to create pages for the kids.  Their notebooks also contain copy work as well as their original narrations and illustrations from our reading.  By creating my own pages and notebook assignments, I am able to modify things to fit each child's ability.  You can see samples and read more about our notebooks and how they've also morphed over time here.  

Please keep the questions coming.  I love this crazy journey we're on :)


  1. I love your posts! Your thoughts seems to jive with mine, though you are WAY more organized than I am at this point in time. We need to start our history once again. We need to get on a firm path and stick. May I ask where you started (what time in history)?

  2. Thanks's nice to hear from you :) This year, we started in the mid 1800's, just prior to the American Civil War. We didn't finish TQ AHFYS II last year so we picked it up this year and will continue through TQ III, ending in modern times.

  3. I know this is an old post, but I'm wanting to try this this year with my 8th grade son. Can you please elaborate on how you use the BF guide? Do you do all the assignments, etc.?
    Thanks so much!

  4. Hey Beth,

    I use the BF guide pretty much as written, occasionally excluding questions that seem redundant or something my student already knows. As of late, I've been relying more on BF and less on TQ, simply using TQ to supplement for extra book ideas or free reading lists. Many of the BF books are listed in the TQ guides.

    Best of luck in your academic year,

  5. What does your bedtime routine with reading look like? What time do you start and finish?

    1. Kim, this post was written four years ago. My kids are older now (middle and high school) and our routine looks different than it did at that time. Either way, there is no set time I begin/finish. It totally depends on our evening. Each day is different, depending on day of the week, month, and even season. We tend to read much more in the evening during the winter months because it's cold and dark here in WI, than we do in the summer, when we can be outside soaking up vitamin D. Also, as beef farmers, my husband is home all day so we don't have a special evening routine when dad comes home from work. We are all together every day. Following Charlotte Mason's principles I view education as an atmosphere, a discipline, and a life. We love to read great books and sneak it into our schedule as much as possible. Living books are definitely part of our atmosphere and life. :)
