Friday, July 3, 2015

Friday Findings: New CM Website, On Teaching Mathematics, Using Language Well, and What is Twaddle?...

Sheila Carroll of Living Books Curriculum unveiled her new website last week.  It is now called Charlotte Mason Homeschooling.  Here she offers a variety of homeschool help to those interested in utilizing Charlotte's methods.

Heather's 3 part series on Teaching Mathematics reaffirmed many things I've been reading regarding Charlotte Mason and mathematics.  This is a subject I hope to study deeply this summer.  I recently purchased Simply Charlotte Mason's new Living Math DVD to guide me.

Simply Charlotte Mason unveiled another new resource this week called Using Language Well.  The program was designed to be an accompaniment to their Spelling Wisdom series.  It is intended to teach "English usage, punctuation, capitalization, grammar, and composition".  I downloaded the sample and am contemplating a purchase.  The special introductory sale price is good through July 16th...which happens to be my birthday.  Should I buy a new language arts curricula for my birthday?...hummm, I'll have to think on that one ;-)

A couple weeks back, Wendi Capehart wrote a wonderful post at Archipelago explaining twaddle.  It's quite lengthy, but worthy.  As I'm getting ready to plan our upcoming school year, I found it inspirational.

By the way, I have a really exciting announcement coming out later this month regarding a new living book history resource.  I'm about bursting at the seams!! stay tuned....

On the home front, our softball and baseball seasons have come to an end.  It's always bittersweet.  I love the game as much as the kids, but the running takes its toll.  Below are photos of our little sluggers...

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